Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 7 : Au Revoir to...

- End of Week 1 PCP + half portion meals of choice

Quite sad to be parting with my comfort food (chocolates............) but also happy at the same time for new beginnings, new diet and new lifestyle ! It's been a while since i've been discplined in terms of my eating habits so i'm ready to rock on !!!

Had a great lunch today consisting of all the bits and bobs that I love to eat - you see, i've been eating buffet lunches everyday for 4 weeks straight now (work serves them since it's our seasonal selling campaign and we need to eat with our clients) and I am SO glad it stops tomorrow. There's only so much Thai/ Vietnamese/ Chinese/ Shanghainese/ Italian one can take daily without being put off food. Bring on PCP meals. Having said that I did enjoy my last half serving of MSG today and it looked a little something like this...

Au Revoir MSG!!!
 Wowza, just looked @ our Day 8 meal plan and exercise routine- damn, I think i'll need to wake up at 6am to do my exercise and prep for lunch !!! As for the the Pull-up's - hmmm, not sure how that's gonna go down with my weak arms and 600 jumps???? I barely survived through my 500 this morning and already broke out in a sweat after 200 jumps.........Some interesting times ahead indeed...........but i'm looking forward to the challenge!

Enjoy your last suppers everyone !!!

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