Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 14 : Sunny with a dose of cravings

All is well nearing end of week 2 PCP and particularly chuffed at the fact that I killed the 800 jumps this morning!! Finally was I fighting thru the fatique and just kept it going despite still tripping up every so often...Finished my sets in good time. It's a great feeling.
Highly anticipating our new meal plans and new exercises for this week. Did a HUGE market food shop yesterday and now our fridge is stuffed with sh!t loads of healthy goodness - all this food should last us for most of the week - I like it a lot. Devoured my lunch today (also last night's supper) which is chilli beef cubes, zucchini, mushrooms and tomatoes with rice - especially loving the color combo:-

Having said that, I had a major sweets craving yesterday. Having a 24 hour 7-Eleven and a bakery right below my building must be a curse.

When will these craving stop?????

Perhaps these 2 options may help, no?
Snack Defense (SD) is a cutting-edge herbal solution that targets the body's response to cravings. Works all day and night to reduce the desire for sweets and helps prevent the urge to snack between meals.* REALLY !!???

Associate BAD feelings with sweets. Must remember this handy at all times !!!

Adios PCP Amigos !

* 13.5 down 76.5 more to go...

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