Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 2 - Jelly legs and Snack attack

It's Day 2 into PCP and I am relatively proud of myself for surviving the after work & early morning exercise routines with minimal pain (my fiance + fellow PCPer Ricky would probably disagree). Having said that, my legs already feel like jelly from the 2 days of lunges and i'm constantly reminded of them everytime I walk.

I also couldn't believe how incredibly tough jumprope is, despite looking soooooooo easy! It seems like i'm lacking some serious coordination and technique in this area but I know practise makes perfect so I will keep trying to hop away blissfully amongst the tai chi-ing oldies at Victoria Park ...
Will also try a weighted skipping rope tonight to see how I go. I'm determined to make it work !!!

Food : my biggest challenge will be cutting down on chocolates as I am a huge chocoholic and somehow there are just chocolates, Tim Tams, biscuits and cakes everywhere in the office screaming 'EAT ME ' !!!
My sweet indulgences since Day 1 has been half a Tim Tam and a small piece of chocolate after dinner last night - so far so good but I won't be so sure once weekend hits !

My meals have been controlled and eating half portion actually isn't all that bad but I usually start feeling massive hunger pains around this this hour (4- 5pm) so i will go and have the quarter pomelo from
yesterday which I am hoping will last me until dinner time. My lunch today looked like this:-

I look forward to my half Sushi tonight and will get ready to master the art of Skipping !
Bring on 60 X 5 tomorrow !!!

* Good Luck to All  and ENJOY the ride *

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