Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 12 + 13 : Sun is shining, the weather is sweet ...

makes you wanna move your dancing feet ... my little Bob Marley tribute this morning ;-)

It's Sunday and i'm feeling GOOD.

Loving weekends even more now as I get a little sleep in (9am workout is SO much better than 6am) and I find myself enjoying the workouts more and more. It's getting there slowly but surely ! Time is magic !!!

Feeling a bit sore in my neck and back muscles today. I think it's from all the rowing (getting easier) , standing ovations (ouch!), da vincis (still a killer) and the forward shoulder raises. I can see a big improvement from Day 1 but I still struggle to get my arms all the way up on da vincis. Skipping has been better these 2 days, getting my groove back but still just need to focus more and not let my surroundings (ie. loony folk) disturb my concentration. My skin actually feels a little brighter and glowing ;-) Thank u vegetables !!!

Absolutely loving the meals these days. We've started cooking our veg (tomatoes, zucchini, asparagus, mushrooms) in bigger patches so we save preparation time on our next meals. Discovered some wholemeal bread with walnut and raisins from the local bakery which is simply delicious. Can't wait to see the new meal plan for week 3 (please Patrick don't cut the carbs too much !). Thought i'd share some pics of my recent meals for y'all :-

Raisin and walnut wholemeal bread with 1 scrambled egg, lettuce, tomatoes, zucchini and mushrooms. Skimmed milk with my fav meal companion - crushed red pepper (can't live without it !)
Chilli beef rocket baguette with veggies

Ricky munching on grilled salmon, asparagus and zucchini with rice
Are with those affected by the tsunami and praying for those still missing.....Glad to hear all fellow PCP'ers are safe and sound.

Off to the beach now to soak up some much needed Vit D's...

Enjoy the rest of ur weekend, week 2 almost DONE !

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