Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 4 : new discovery

Woke up at 6:30am this morning and the first thought that crossed my mind was 'wow this is early, I can snooze for another hour !!!' I totally blanked out the exercise routine for a second until Ricky turned on the lights
and off to Victoria Park we go......

I must say i've really taken a fancy to my new Altus adjustable weighted jump rope. It's so much firmer than my last Nike rubber one and in my opinion it's much easier ... I recommend this Albus to everyone who wants to try something new. I took out the weights as I wanted to get my technique right before attemping anything strenous and I have a feeling that Altus and I could be great buddies for the next 86 days.
I managed to crack 60 consecutive jumps and even attempted the one-legger for about 40 jumps!

Lunges was hard but it seems as though my muscles have stretched out a bit and not so painful anymore. Push-up's are getting better although i've still got knees on the ground, but it's already a big improvement from Day 1. I'm still finding leg-up's a real challenge - do they ever get easier???

I know it's only Day 4 but I really feel motivated and in high spirits everyday knowing that i've embarked on a life changing experience which is exciting but challenging at the same time !
Also appreciating the group interactions to and love reading people's honest blogs - nice to know we're in this all together and staying strong !!!

Look forward to the next 86 days with you all...

But first thing's first = TGIF and i'm ooooof for our favourite * half * sushi date

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