Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 27 & 28 : Just another Manic Monday !

Have to keep this blog short and sweet as I have a million meetings and deadlines today, ah, the joys of Mondays!

The weekend was great, lots of PCP action and most of all - LOVED the indulgence!!! Thank u Patrick for allowing us this treat, I totally savoured every drop of it, as each bite came with a 'mmmmm'
Blk & Wht chocolate mousse cake + Chocolate mousse cake w/ meringue biscuit from COVA


Just before

During ... mmmmmmmmmm

Ok so it's already 7pm and have only just sat back down properly and noticed my unfinished blog...Where did the day go??? It was just meeting after meeting today, bleh...that was a perfect manic Monday!
And I still need to do my 1300 jumps but kinda looking forward to it as i'm sure it's gonna relieve me off all my stress- well at least i hope so.

Looking forward to new meal plans, I kind of miss my evening carbs but I have a feeling it's not coming back for a while...

Ps. Glad there's no creeps/ floor jumps/ Double katanas (it's the new Da Vinci for me = makes me miss them Da Vinci's) waiting for me, whooooop.

Here's to a fantabulous WEEK 5 - go team GO!!!


  1. Wow.... that looks awesome!

    Btw, I finally tried Kiwiberries today. OMG they are amazing. Thank you for introducing this new fruit!

  2. You look like you are going to REALLY enjoy that thing!!
