Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 73 : I like Bicycles and Indulgences

Can't believe i'm saying this but I just completed my bicycles and it didn't feel like death this time round! I actually kind of enjoyed it and tried to even push myself to 'failure' on my set #5. Needless to say I made the 01:03 mark before I collapsed into child pose ;-p

Have been a mega klutz this week, keep losing things and finding them in random places again. Remember last week where i lost I camera and found it in my shoebox? Today I lost my company access card for a good few hours before the tea lady told me she had found it in the fridge. Hmmm. Not sure what happened there but let's hope I don't lose my mind tomorrow! Been feeling like i don't belong at work this week, it's like i'm physically there but mentally i'm floating on a cloud somewhere else...Really zoned out and surviving on little energy...Which made me play this song over and over again on my way home tonight (just after getting caught in a freak rainstorm!). It's one of my all time favorites since my high school days...

Week 10 pics uploaded...

Did I someone mention Indulgence #3 is coming up? Let's hope we can have it this weekend ... I reckon i'm gonna stay away from the sweet stuff and go for some parma ham / rocket pizza that i've been craving for for soooo long. Perhaps together with some sangria. I'm so drooling right a way I feel like i shouldn't have this indulgence as I have been working so hard these last couple of weeks and i really want to finish off strong! But I guess these indulgences are good for us - we control what/ when we eat instead letting our temptations control us!

Ps. Getting little/ no craving for chocolates. Whooop.

<1 down, 17 more to go >

Way to go gang!


  1. I adore Radiohead and I LOOOOVE this song. It is probably my favorite ever. Anyhow, I thought it would make a great wedding song, you know if it wasn't so depressing, oh and the fact they drop the FBomb a bunch LOL.

    In the fridge??????

  2. After bicycles whip out an up-dog for a good counter stretch.
