Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 71 : Sun, Sea, Sweat

It was a whopping 33C and a public holiday in HK today thanks to it being the Buddah's Birthday. Funny to see all the beach bums / sun-worshippers come out to catch some Vit D's at the beach. There was a lot of fluro colored speedos parading around, but the winner had to go to a ridiculously tanned dude in a shocking green colored one, Borat style. My eyes hurt just looking at it.
Very nice i like!
 The sun was so fierce today that I only lasted 1 hour (very unlike me) before i could take no more, since I started noticing some red and purple blotches developing all over my body ... it was probably NOT a smart idea to have put on the tanning oil. Lesson learnt.

Did today's workouts at 10am this morning which was another amateur mistake from my side as the sun was a scorcher by that hour and I really struggled to complete all my sets without taking some much needed breaks in-between. Sweat was literally dripping out of me left right and centre from the 1st min of skipping. Not awesome at all when you've got ear phones in and it keeps slipping out of my ears.  Found the floor jumps really tough as my knees felt like they were going to crack under the pressure but I kept pushing till I finished all 4 sets. Had to shake them off vigorously before I could consider walking without collapsing. Then came the Da Vinci's till Failure...What's that all about? Wasn't too sure what my DV failure would be but I eventually discovered that 20 per set is really my bottom line. Nuff said.

Can Day 91 come already so I can get a lil bit of this ?

What's your post PCP treat to yourself?


  1. I wonder if this swimsuit guy is a brother to the 8 minute abs guy? Just sayin'.... :)

  2. LOVE the Borat picture HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

  3. Molly! He has a name, and it is MIKE!

    I wonder if I can get a bit of beach wear in that color only like a bikini top.

  4. Good work on the workout. Shaky knees are a good sign.

  5. Helen ---- MIIKE was called CHAD in our group! :)

  6. I am so going to book a load of spa treatments post-PCP!

    I have been so slack on the primping since this started... I only shaved my legs when I had to wear a dress to my cousin's wedding, eyebrows are looking unkempt, and definitely haven't had time for masks and pedicures and all that jazz.
