Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 46 : 51% and fell in the Valley

51% done and dusted, it sure feels good to be on the other side of 50 and now promoted to being part of the 'later' group!

A huge shout out to all the guys who just got a 'complete' stamped across their names - what a phenominal achievement and just reading all your blogs gives me new hope and inspiration (+ goosebumps!). All your transformations are amazing !Well done you guys and good luck for your next chapter in life!!!
As for the PCP newbies have just joined us - welcome and good luck! Look forward to getting to know some of u better thru your blogs. Enjoy these first few days of eating half portions and treasure every moment while it lasts. ;-)

Now back to PCP in my world...I guess i'm hitting the Valley that everyone was talking about last week! This week everything seems tougher than usual- getting up is hard, work outs are whipping my ass and in general my energy levels are at an all time loooooow. Body is in pain and i'm feeling the tightness everywhere esp. my legs and triceps. Not sure if all that travelling has finally caught up to me but i'm feeling zoned out during the day and can hardly keep my eyes open after 8pm. Last night I was reading a book after dinner and had to snooze on the spot for 30min cos I couldn't even get thru one page...

To top it off it seems like i'm back to Square 1 with my skipping...tripping big time with the rope which is really frustrating. Will go and buy a Lululemon one tonight as recommended by Yeeman. I know it's not the's me but it can't hurt trying something new right? Anything will help since I have lost my skipping rhythm and phzazzzz from last few weeks...

Echoeing Ricky's blog yesterday I know that 'This too Shall pass' and I am looking forward to emerging out of the Valley and getting back to the PCP groove very very soon !


  1. Don't worry Shirls, i'll be round to wake you guys up early tomorrow and next to you feel very pleased with your skipping!

  2. KEEP GOING ---- it will be worth it on day 90!!! Trust me! :)

  3. I feel your pain! I'm also suffering from low energy at the moment! The Valley is dark, but there is light at the end! P.S. If you don't mind me saying, you already looked in pretty great shape from your banner photos before the PCP started! Things can only get better...

  4. I know that skipping feeling all too well.... Any luck with the new rope?

  5. The rope comes and goes, and has a lot to do with your mental state. Get some solid sleep to aid muscle repair and coordination, and you'll wake up one day and bust out 3000 jumps with no trouble and no trips. It just happens all at once like that.

  6. Hey, how old are your running shoes?? Maybe they are not supporting your feet enough. I remember running and changing running shoes every 3-6 months reduces injuries apparently. Maybe you should treat yourselves to some new ones..:)

  7. Great post. Hope you get some decent rest and remember that this is all adding up to something great. Hang in there!

  8. Thanks all for your motivation and support! Patrick's right - it's not the rope nor the shoes, it's my mental state! After some semi-decent rest I am feeling a lot better now and the skips are flowing again,altho not anything near 3000 in one go! ;-)x

  9. Hi Shirley. Great to hear you are BACK!!! I defnitely find the workouts tough when I am tired and unco. I haven't skipped for a week and am freaking out I won't be able to do it anymore. It's just like riding a bike right??? Hmmm, I like the idea of buying a new pair of shoes though!

  10. Heya, thanks for comment and assurance of FOOOD!!! Btw, Yeeman was saying you and Ricky live in Happy Valley? So do GT and I! Pity you're a group ahead and would kick our butt's else we could all exercise together!

    Perhaps after we all complete the 90 days and are on the same level, then we can do that to ensure we all keep in shape.
