Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 41 - 43 : I am a "Loskop" !

Where I come from Loskop ("Loosehead") means scatterbrain and that's exactly what i've been the last couple of days...I somehow managed to miss my flight on Sat night by 15minutes! Totally did not expect to face the dreaded 'Signal failures' of the London Underground trains. Was I surprised? No. Was I bummed? HELL YEAH!
In desperate attempt to get the next flight back I stayed the night at an overpriced (and slightly dogde) airport hotel to try my luck the next morning on standby but luck wasn't on my side so I had to spend an extra 2 nights in London!
ok so in my pre-PCP days I would be overjoyed since this usually means 2 more days of boozing! In a way I was really disappointed as I had plans to come home and go hardcore PCP to compensate for my slightly off PCP track days in London. Oh and to top things off I realized I had left my new book at the hotel!!! :-(
Well in hindsight all that endless walking and dragging of my suitcase (25kgs!)around London definitely burnt off a few calories ESP.lifting my case up and down the stairs at stations worked my guns too.

Nevermind, I still had a blast spending more time with my mates but now that i'm back i'll be in full force / Top gear PCP!
Finally posted up week 5 pix (was taken in wk 5 but haven't had time to upload) - can't see any visible improvements esp. my abs, I think it's time to do 8min abs again! Will post wk 6 pix tonight.
WOW the folks ahead of us are almost at finish line and we're almost at half time...exciting times ahead!!!
Let's make week 7 count!

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